About the Artist
Hi, I'm Melissa Smith, a self taught artist. My primary medium is watercolor but enjoy exploring new and different mediums. I spent my younger years perfecting the art of realistic drawing. After a break to pursue college, marriage and children I returned to my first love….creating. This time “in color”. I picked up a paint brush and fell in love with all the colorful hues. I live in Charlotte, NC with my husband, son, daughter and two mischievous dogs. Our children are an inspiration to me in many ways. They are of Korean heritage and greatly influence my love for the Korean culture. Therefore you will see many Korean inspired pieces.
My style is clean and focused. In contrast watercolor can be unpredictable but renders pleasantly unexpected results. A sense of freedom. When painting I primarily see shadows, highlights and shapes. I paint what I see in sections which then becomes the bigger picture. This is particularly true when painting fabric, specifically Korean hanboks. The hanbok is notably striking with it’s colors, lines, designs, styles and flow.
As an artist, every time I pick up a paint brush I feel like "me" again. The child within takes over with excitement and curiosity to create something new. It's never too late find your passion, even it's every once in awhile, part time or full time. Just go for it!